by Autumn | Sep 6, 2017 | 15 Minute Fantasy Writer
Welcome back to the 15 Minute Fantasy Writer video series! It is time to move on with world building in part 4. We’ve come so far from video 1 where we discussed how choosing the era helps you world build, including knowing the presumptions readers will make...
by Autumn | Aug 23, 2017 | 15 Minute Fantasy Writer
Welcome back to the 15 Minute Fantasy Writer video series! We are going in depth to the tips shared in video 6, which was part 3 of world building. There we delved into the steps of how to create a fantasy map. Why? Because they are for more than your readers! A good...
by Autumn | Aug 8, 2017 | 15 Minute Fantasy Writer
Welcome back to the 15 Minute Fantasy Writer video series! We are contining on with world building by moving on to part 3 where we finally delve into the nuts and bolts, or I should say streams and forests, of the world! There is A LOT to cover in this episode, heck...