Welcome back to the 15 Minute Fantasy Writer video series!
We are contining on with world building by moving on to part 3 where we finally delve into the nuts and bolts, or I should say streams and forests, of the world! There is A LOT to cover in this episode, heck the creation of a whole world! But there is a secret tip to getting the world where your characters will live and move in an organized, and streamlined, manner!
And yes, I do tell you! No teasers that leave you hanging here. 😉
So with that, let’s jump in and zoom through all the steps to building the physical world of your novel… in only 15 minutes!
Is your head spinning? Hopefully not! But we covered a lot of territory (pun intended!) in this lesson.
The point is world building isn’t a super secret science that takes months, or years, of dwelling and building and pondering. Just like writing, there is a method to developing an idea into some unique and concrete without getting lost along the way.
There are more steps to come as well as the special map making edition where I’ll create a map using the methods I just outline on video to prove you don’t need a degree in geology, climatolgy, and ecology as well as an MFA to do it. Okay, I have degrees in ecology and studio art, and it does help, but you absolutely don’t need it. Promise!
Look for next video soon. If you missed any of the previous, check them out on the 15 Minute Fantasy Writer page. AND if you want to pick up the Map Making Cheat Sheet for FREE, check it out here.
What are your favorite fantasy maps? Have you been frustrated by books without them? Ever wanted to print them out and hang one on your wall? Let me know in the comments!
Do you have topics you’d like me to cover? Do you want to submit a video of you reading a clip of your story for Open Mic? Great! Head over to the 15 Minute Fantasy Writer page and read how. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog (on the sidebar to the right) or on the YouTube channel to get updates.