Do you suffer from writer doubts?

by | Feb 27, 2019

Last Updated:
Feb 24, 2019

Maybe you don’t think anyone will like your writing?

Or maybe you are lost in the middle of writing and wonder if you’ll simply ever finish this WIP? And if you do, maybe you aren’t sure what to do next or where to publish or if your cover is good enough or…

There are so many little doubts that creep in, especially in a journey as solitary as writing a novel. And if you are trying to fit it in between life and work, those hours when inspiration has fueled you beyond what is reasonable for a day and left you alone in the dark with just your dreams and a laptop… yeah, those are the moments that can crush your soul.

Sure, you can go on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and talk to other authors. They are so helpful and give great advice! We’ve all been there in the midst of wondering if our writing is good enough or how to reach our dreams be they the number of books out, being someone’s favorite author, or writing full-time.

But sometimes, don’t you just want to KNOW you are doing this right?

When I started publishing as an indie author, there wasn’t much good advice out there. You might google an article that said that you needed to do something, like have a mailing list, to be successful. But it wouldn’t tell you why or how. Ummm… I want to know why and how!

A lot of those questions are easily answered now. You just need to search through the million or so blog or Facebook posts to get the specifics. And then you can google how to write dialogue or worldbuild or create characters, the ins and outs of a content edit, and how to build your author platform. And don’t forget you still need to find time to write!

Or you can get all that and more in one place.

I created the Ultimate Fantasy Writer’s Guide to shortcut other writer’s author journeys. I wanted all the answers in one place from how to write well, I mean really kick-ass well, to how to edit, how to stay inspired (much less find the time), what you need to publish and launch a book to waiting fans, and how to go on to build your author career. I was SICK of needing a handful of courses to learn everything or getting different answers on every forum.

And I wanted to take those years of experience from trial and error, research and analyzing, and combine it with what I’d learned through two, rather horrid, recent courses on Creative and Novel writing. Really, they were abysmal! I spent hours after every class researching the contradictory “insight” that the other students gave because the teacher thought us reading our WIP out loud and providing feedback, even though we were all novice writers, was a useful way to learn (rather than, say, teach us how actually to write!).

I don’t want any writer to have to go through that!

Seriously, there are methods to develop ideas, worldbuild, develop characters, write dialogue, edit, and so much more. So, I took everything I knew as an indie author with now 14 books out (most written while balancing a fulltime job and life) many of which have hit #1 on Amazon, and years of publishing experience under my belt combined with my English degree and I created a one-stop course that contained it all, from novice to pro-tips.

And all of it without tons of extra material that would only slow a writer down. You need to write! Plus, go to work, walk the dog, find the kids… you know, life. And write. And market. And maybe not go insane.

That is the reason behind why I created the Ultimate Fantasy Writer’s Guide. And this week, it is open to new students for only the fifth time since I released it in 2017!

And while I could tell you about how great the Guide is and everything inside, including the really awesome bonuses available for this open enrollment, it is better if you go check it out for yourself! Skip on over to the Ultimate Fantasy Writer’s Guide and check it out.

If you have questions, come back here and leave a comment or join me on Facebook Live on Thursday, Feb 28 at 11 am EST and ask then! I hope to see you there – and inside the Guide!


Autumn is a best selling indie author, conservationist, & world traveler with plans for many more adventures both real and fantastical! She is currently settled in the wilds of Maine with her small dragonish dog and husband, searching for a portal to another world.

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Written by: Autumn

Autumn is a best selling indie author, conservationist, & world traveler with plans for many more adventures both real and fantastical! She is currently settled in the wilds of Maine with her small dragonish dog and husband, searching for a portal to another world.

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