The Publishing Groundwork for 2017

by | Jan 3, 2017

Last Updated:
May 26, 2017

I’ve never been into end of year “round-up” posts and don’t worry about new year resolutions (I think they are just an excuse to wait to change. Just make the commitment RIGHT NOW) and I also rarely re-blog a post from another website…

So why not break all the ‘rules’ at once?

Jane Friedman is a fantastic author and blogger and she posted on January 2 a review of the ebook market and publishing changes last year entitled Looking Back at 2016: Important Publishing Developments Authors Should Know.

You want to read this post.

Trends only become apparent in perspective and there were some interesting trends popping up last year. Like what? How about..

The headlines tell you a lot, but it is what is between them with the data and analysis that will make your eyes pop. And it should get you excited about 2017… well, you’ll be excited if you are an indie author. 😉

Check out this awesome article in full here.




Autumn is a best selling indie author, conservationist, & world traveler with plans for many more adventures both real and fantastical! She is currently settled in the wilds of Maine with her small dragonish dog and husband, searching for a portal to another world.

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Written by: Autumn

Autumn is a best selling indie author, conservationist, & world traveler with plans for many more adventures both real and fantastical! She is currently settled in the wilds of Maine with her small dragonish dog and husband, searching for a portal to another world.

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