Exploring the Motives Behind Wars in Fantasy Novels

Exploring the Motives Behind Wars in Fantasy Novels

Introduction In fantasy novels, wars are a common theme that can serve as a powerful motivator for characters and create tension for readers. However, it’s essential to remember that wars must have a logical reason behind them, grounded in the world you’ve...
Book Endings: How will your story be remembered?

Book Endings: How will your story be remembered?

What is the first thing you remember about the last book you read? Maybe it is the final scene or the exciting climax? A tragic moment or one of deep love? No matter what it is, I bet it is partially shaped by how the book ended. If the protagonists were happy, we are...
Should you serialize your next novel?

Should you serialize your next novel?

It is no secret that Amazon gives a ninety day bump to new releases. They rank higher on lists and receive more exposure, especially if they sell well and get reviews during that initial period. So why not take advantage of it and release your novel in parts? I’ve...
The First Step in Fantasy World Building

The First Step in Fantasy World Building

What is the first step you take when creating a fantasy world? If you read my post on Map Making 101, you know I like drawing a visual map. It creates a world that is entwined with my growing story faster than just about any technique. But there is actually one step...
5 Secrets to Writing a Page Turning Chapter

5 Secrets to Writing a Page Turning Chapter

“I stayed up way too late reading this book. I couldn’t put it down!” Who wouldn’t love to have that sort of review? Hearing that you hooked a reader and kept them going until the wee hours of the morning is not just praise. It is an...

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