What is your project tipping point?

What is your project tipping point?

At what point does a project take on a life of its own? Or, to phrase it another way, when do you know that a project has enough momentum that you will see it to completion? For me the tipping point is chapter 10. At chapter 10 the story and characters have developed...
5 Ways to Edit (and when to use them)

5 Ways to Edit (and when to use them)

You finished your novel and you know the next step is to edit, right? I mean, everyone keeps saying to edit. But what does that mean? You read through it a couple of times, run spell check and any fancy apps you might have to check for commas and such. Then hit...
Are you meeting your writing goals?

Are you meeting your writing goals?

Multiple books and enough sales to quit the day job – it sounds good, doesn’t it? Those are my goals even back when I barely realized that I did secretly dream about such success and wouldn’t admit that writing was more to me than a hobby. Then one...

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