Exploring the Motives Behind Wars in Fantasy Novels

Exploring the Motives Behind Wars in Fantasy Novels

Introduction In fantasy novels, wars are a common theme that can serve as a powerful motivator for characters and create tension for readers. However, it’s essential to remember that wars must have a logical reason behind them, grounded in the world you’ve...
Character Arcs: Do characters need to progress?

Character Arcs: Do characters need to progress?

A review I read got me thinking about this question and I wanted to pose it to you because I think it is an interesting one. Do characters need to progress in the course of a novel? The review (and it was actually a good one. But no, I’m not linking up to it or even...
Building on the framework of fantasy ideas

Building on the framework of fantasy ideas

What do you think of when I say ‘the dark forest’ or ‘the magical glade’ or even the ‘the tiny village’? Ideas – preconceived ideas – immediately spring to mind, don’t they? A recent article over at Mythic scribes talked about metaphor and how authors use...

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