5 Ways to Edit (and when to use them)

5 Ways to Edit (and when to use them)

You finished your novel and you know the next step is to edit, right? I mean, everyone keeps saying to edit. But what does that mean? You read through it a couple of times, run spell check and any fancy apps you might have to check for commas and such. Then hit...
Edit while writing or after?

Edit while writing or after?

I met a writer ages ago who described his writing process as planting seeds in the morning, and then weeding in the afternoon to see if he had any tomatoes (He was also an avid gardener!). His statement about his work method stuck with me. Write in the morning, edit...
Writing Editor Programs – a help or a frustration?

Writing Editor Programs – a help or a frustration?

My writing productivity is increasing. Which is awesome! But does create a few issues. One of the biggest is springing for an editor. I fully believe every book needs a good edit by someone other than the writer. It is amazing how much can be overlooked, especially...
#$^&*@!? Adjectives!

#$^&*@!? Adjectives!

When I became serious about writing and admitted that it was more than a hobby to myself, I signed up for a Novel Writing Class. In the end, I ended up taking two such courses, attending an Advanced Creative Writing course as well. Even though neither met all of my...

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